Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The World's Toughest Job...only 24 people applied apparently!!

Please click on the link, read and then watch the video...outstanding advertisement I say!!  It made me giggle and cry...that's how I roll!


Sometimes you feel worthless as a parent...even though you know YOU ARE NOT WORTHLESS!  You're not dagnabit! This is just a feel good video and I LOVE it! I hope they make another one for the other parent in our house come June!!  It's a tough job for both of us but the rewards are immeasurable!

From last month at the movies!

Happy (almost) Mother's Day to my Mom...and to me!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

March 2014 Happenings

This is the hair color I tried to talk my stylist into...she said nope so we just stuck with cutting my hair!!

Em's Valentine treasures from school

Em at work with me!!

Em and I "working" hard at work!!

Tree at work

Em's turtle on the beach...in the middle of winter!!  Project at Perceptron!



Family Movie Day-The LEGO Movie...it was AWESOME!!

Waiting to say The Pledge of Allegiance at Westland City Hall!!

Working on being helpful :)

Our neighbor "Happy" got a haircut also

Em in the pool (visiting me at Scrap Camp)

Celebrating my 40th birthday with my scrappy sisters!!

Rocks in ice at work

Em and Hannah having hot chocolate in the backyard

Got my journal cards all organized...ready to get back to daily journaling for our album next month

Em's drawing of an evil Minion...on Taco Night