DECEMBER 01, 2011-FEBRUARY 27, 2012
December 1: Emily is Star Student of the Week next week and this is a poster board of her favorites! |
December 2: We are missing Disney already, luckily we brought back some snacks to help us through the sadness. |
December 3: Got together with 2 of my best girlfriends, went to Downtown Plymouth and hung out at Sean O'Callaghan's. I miss you Hil and can't wait for our January date!
December 4: Went to a local craft show, hit the food bar first once I saw apple crisp on the menu. YUMMY!
December 5: Nothing screams HAPPY HOLIDAYS like me posing with Martha's poinsettia plant.
December 6: I submitted this photo to the Brave Girl's Club for their call for "Awesome Things", little did I know I'd make it into one of their video's, NOW that is AWESOME! Click awesome to check it out!
December 7: Nothing today
December 8: nothing again today...busy getting eveything ready for my Stampin'Up! club meeting tomorrow!!
December 9: Had the girls over for club tonight and we made this stinkin' cute layout! LOVE IT!
December 10: We went with Grandpa Foltz to Arend Tree Farm in Grass Lake to chop down our tree. Took a carriage ride around first and Em made two new friends, Roxy and Belle.
December 11: They are everywhere, even in front of me in the McDonald's drive thru!
December 12: Got the tree and Emily decorated!
December 13: The last cookie from Martha...I can't just leave this cookie in here alone, I suppose I will just have to eat it.
December 14: Hmmm, we seem to have a leak in the roof, Sean doesn't seem too upset does he? He's a very handy man I tell ya, there isn't much of anything this awesome man can't figure out!
December 15: Took Em to the mall to ride the train...but it was gone. She was a little sad until we saw the line for Santa and in it we got!! She asked for a Nintendo DS and then several days later she suddenly recalled that there were other things she wanted to ask for. I told her to tell me and that maybe Daddy and I could help Santa out.
December 16: Martha, Michelle and I had our gift exchange today. I will smell good and never be without a bag (Martha knows too well my love of bags and body wash!) and my entertainment center will be joyfully decorated with the penguin Michelle made (yes, she MADE it!). I LOVE LOVE LOVE my gifts, thanks girls!
December 17: We went to see Polar Express at the Penn Theatre in Plymouth tonight,
followed by dinner at The Box Bar.
December 18: Em and I went out to do some errands and we came home to our house decorated.
Looks awesome babe (even the inflatable Santa), good job!
December 19: This is one of the things I do not like about the holidays...I have
absolutely no self control when it comes to homemade goodies!
December 20: This is another thing I do not gets lonely at work when everyone
is on vacation :(
December 21: Although I sure do miss a dishwasher, a full dish drainer gives me
a small sense of accomplishment at the end of the day!
December 22: Went to see Elf at the Penn Theatre with some friends, Renee surprised
me with this awesome ornament, I LOVE it and it looks great on the tree!
December 23: We took Em to the Penn to see Elf tonight, she loves that movie and was
bummed that she couldn't go with us last night. She was pleasantly surprised when we pulled up!
December 24: Christmas Eve at Aunt Caren's in Davison. This pic just cracks me up; it looks
like Em has pushed down Grammy and she's laughing while walking away! Not at all what happened but
that's what my camera said!
December 25: Merry Christmas!
December 26: Sean with a kleenex shoved in his nose...
never a dull moment around our house!
December 27: It felt good to go back to work today. It was lonely in the
parking lot at 4:51pm though!!
back to Disney!
December 30: Went to Lowe's with Lisa and Emma and man is this girl a hoot!
She makes me giggle, well they both do!
December 31: As I begin my annual "I'm losing my mind with all MY clutter" clean up, I
think to myself, "the butter cupboard is the perfect place for insulin and now jam!"
December 31: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
down and put away. Such a good feeling, now I can get back to my annual (actually several times throughout hte year) "I'M LOSING MY MIND IN ALL OF MY CLUTTER" clean up. I started this prior to Christmas and have managed to make it through my office and my shoes!
January 2: My craft area is next (thank goodness I took a vacation day tomorrow!
I like how I captured the bottom of my quote though, it will most definitely be a miracle if I get done!
January 3: Got this pic as we left work and got onto the expressway. Gorgeous!
January 4: How many books does one need on organizing? My bookshelf holds seven. Perfect number!
January 5: While Sean went to his car club meeting I tackled the closet. I suppose I may be the only
one to notice a difference but that why I do this...for me! I got rid of a bunch of shirts that no longer fit so the hangers aren't so packed together now, that's nice!!
January 9: In deep sleep! I love how she wraps her blanket over her head!
that's just how we roll!
January 13: Caught Joe and Marty working side by side and nicely but only because I heard Marty call out that
"someone should take a picture of this because it doesn't happen very often"...of course I had to run with my camera and snap the pic!
January 14: Helped Lisa do a little packing today and I packed a little something extra in a few of the boxes!
Emily had her first sleepover, the girls were in the same Grade 1 class also and as I overheard the girls talking, " we are SO bff's!" They, of course, stayed up way too late giggling!!
January 17: No photo today...too busy watching the thermometer! At 2pm is was 52 degrees and raining, at 4pm it was 38 degrees and snowing!! I love weather, it is much like me...I change my mind in the blink of an eye too!!
January 18: I can't wait for Camp-Crop-A-Lot in March, getting my bags ready to be packed!
January 20: The kitchen from a different point of view. January 22: I would love to get this for Em's room but she wouldn't have much head room! January 23: Silent Girl finished, two books to go and I need to get them back to the library by February 5th! January 24: After a few rounds of Toy Story Kerplunk, this little guy didn't want to go back in the bag!
January 25: I never knew such a thing existed.
January 27: Not every day I get to snap a pic of someone in the marsupial family, luckily he was on the other side of the glass at work and this opossum never came a knockin'!
January 29: Em loomin' and weavin'!! January 30: Melted crayon hearts for Em's Valentine's party, these things are pretty dang cool! January 31: Discovered a recipe for Crockpot BBQ Beer chicken today-Yummy!
February 2: Nothing today...
February 4: Next sorting/organizing project underway, Em's area in the office!! February 5: Who doesn't eat lunch on Sundays wearing a tutu and their fuzzy slippers? February 8: Hmmm, I see a project looming with this old trunk from work!! February 9: Finally got a car for myself, we've been carpooling since December 2010!! Em is waiting ever so patiently while I look over everything! February 10: Em is glad to have a "just us girls" car again, so excited that she fell asleep on the way home from Target! February 11: I'm a little bit drooly over Lisa's new pantry! i'm so happy for my friend to finally have some storage space though!! February 12: I honestly cannot figure out why this here photo goes vertical but that does nothing to detour me from the happiness of at least a 6 hour window of "good" blood sugars!! February 13: Sleepyhead and some animals! February 14: Michelle made her first hat and it is stinkin' awesome...kinda like her! February 18: I won a trivia contest and received a pretty awesome prize package from Scrapscription in Lima, Ohio and this is just one of the goody envelopes that arrived!! I LOVE Scrapscription!! February 19: A little animal line up for watching some TV! February 21: These "rules" shouldn't just apply to kids! February 23: Em is home today from a few days vacation at Grammy and Papa's. Oddly she was more than willing to help me with vacuuming, she loves this little guy she says! February 24: Em and I went to the new MJR cinema today to see The Secret World of Arietty! What a fun Girl's Afternoon Out for us! February 25: We had another Girl's Afternoon Out today. Went to Plymouth to pick up our pottery and then walked around and peeked into all the little places and shops that I LOVE LOVE LOVE, full of ideas now I am! Em got a new friend named Bugsy and after all the walking around we needed a snack at Panera...where the cookies are bigger than your face! February 26: Em and I went to a Relay for Life fundraiser crop being held at Scrappy Chic (LOVE this place!!) and we hit the jackpot with raffle prizes; gift certificates, books, papers, stamps, was one whopper of a deal...especially when the grand prize was getting to spend the afternoon with Lisa, Michele and Ashley too! February 27: Back to work and my fantastic new schedule of 9:30am-6pm, I love these hours and feel so much more productive during the day. I made awesome use of my 1/2 hour lunch with working the Disney album, got everything together and pictures from Creative Memories Photo Center are on order...just in time for camp next month! |