Sunday, June 22, 2014

May 2014 Happenings

Hanging out in the funny mirror at the toy store in Plymouth by Burger Spot

No wonder Em always says her feet hurt after we walk...I wonder if her shoes were on her feet like that?!

My new favorite cleaner, love the lavender!

My lilacs smell SOOOOO good!

At Mega Meet with my girl Kristin!

Another Mega Meet photo op!  I had so much fun Kristin!!

Queen of the Crop crop at Scrappy Chic-SOOOO much fun!

Happy Mom's Day!

LOVE this tree at work!

Red Winged Black Bird at work, I swear it's the same guy every year!

I am SO hoping that Em lined her animals up like this before she fell asleep...

Em getting the bounce house cleaned up before the BBQ

BBQ time

BBQ time

Never a dull moment at the BBQ, Em lost a tooth (thanks for snapping the pic for me Lis!!)

Sean and Aaron joining the kids in the bounce house

My favorite spot in the backyard!

BBQ is over!

Thanks for coming, hope to see y'all next May!!

Em's stuffed animals got a new house and Em a new place to perch!


AFTER-thank you  to my miracle worker Cathie!!

Chillin' out in downtown Plymouth!!

Em's first visit to Potbelly...she's not exactly sold on the sandwich!

April 2014 Happenings

Photos in no particular order!!
Bamboo shaped into hearts from Sean for our anniversary!
Family portrait
Picture of a picture!!

Spending the afternoon with Aaron and Yvonne!

Aaron and Em playing with Legos while Sean is "supervising"

Em wearing the necklaces from Grandma Jones

Em's school project, her flashlight...IT WORKS!!!


April family mailings about to head to the Post Office!

Yard work

my lilacs starting to bloom...can't wait to smell them!

Enough of the yard work, taking a break to do some reading on the front porch now!

Dinner at Logan's

Me and my Baby Girl :)

04/15/14 Surprise...SNOW!

Surprise...only a few patches of snow a day later 04/16/14!!

My fridge at work...I've finally gotten one with an actual freezer...I see ice cream treats in my future!!

Em "helping" me out at work

Such a colorful way to wait today!

Time at the park

Making friends and spinning around at the park

Em made Susi a swing of her own out of duct tape!!

Happy Easter!

Reading in the car!

Waiting ever so patiently to go back and see Daddy (we had to take Sean to the ER; he ended up having kidney stones and went in for surgery)

We got visit him before they whisked him off to the OR!!

Patiently waiting again during surgery!  Didn't take long at all and we even got to go home the same day!!

Em and Hannah playing in the backyard


Em's Rainbow Dash chalk drawing

A little leg hula hoopin'
Sean and Em at Dads and Donuts at school-YUMMY!!