Saturday, May 21, 2016

April 2016

My Gr'Ma's time on Earth came to an end this month. My facebook post here

Dinner out with friends in Howell (L-R: Kristin, Michelle, Christine, Jen and me)

Scrapbook weekend at Angie's Inn on the Grand in Howell. Me with Lisa and Katie!!

Em hanging out at Uncle Aaron's. Her and Sean went over to take him out for his birthday.
I'm surprised  Em didn't try and smuggle one of the cats out with her!!

Sean on lawn duty!!

Em and I before heading to see Miracles from Heaven

I LOVE our milk door!

At Old Detroit Burger Bar, Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk fundraiser for our very inspirational friend Jeni!

Em's first time riding the bus, she's 2nd to last in line with the orange backpack!

Walking down the hallway one morning I was mesmerized by the sparkling lights...I knew it was from the sun shining in the back windows but it took me a few minutes to figure out what it was reflecting off of...

...once I actually walked in to our room, I found it!  So pretty!!

Very rarely do I get the same numbers on both my glucose meter and my insulin pump...of course I had to capture it...
and the fact that 106 was an awesome number so I was feeling particularly proud of myself at that moment!

Em at Grammy and Papa's. I love the fact that at 11, this kid still loves bubbles!!

Months ago I had taken down all the wall stuff and tchtchkes in my craft area in the basement, I don't remember exactly why...maybe I was going to paint. I don't feel like painting and decided to put things back up and out. My space is much more inspirational now...although I would love to have yellow walls!!

Em and I at Creatopia in Plymouth, I love her polka dotted dolphin!

Let the swingset removal commence!

Em lending a helping hand to Daddy!

Ooh, our backyard looks ginormous now!

We had dinner plans for home but then decided beer was called for so we went out instead!

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