Saturday, January 12, 2013

December 2012...whooooo hoooo!!

Grammy came for a visit and to go out for Ladies Night!

In Plymouth with Colleen, Lis and Michelle

At Penn Theatre for It's a Wonderful Life with Michelle, Karen, Anne, my mom, Lis and Christine!!

Em's Countdown to Christmas calendar from Grammy

Trying to take a family photo for our Christmas cards!!

My face doesn't say it but I really do like doing laundry

family photo...

...the making of the Christmas cards

The tree has been chosen
Cut and on the way to be shaken and baled

on the way to the truck

an angel for our angel!



Dinner with the Martins for Bill's birthday...

Em on the last day of her first gymnastics class, she had SO much fun and can't wait to start again in January!

At Ont Caren's with Grammy and Papa

Just look at that face!
We have snow for Christmas, so pretty!!
New Year's Eve Eve at Culver's

November 2012-Thanksliving!!

Dave and Amy's wedding!

BFL and Sean!!!

BFL, Panik, Sean & Owen

Em is so excited to start gymnastics!

YUMMY!  Peppermint Stick shake from Arby' good!

Awesome birthday party that Em went to, our neighbor Hanna's 6th birthday!

The kids got to decorate their own cake...

and make their own pizza!  So much fun!

Em at the dentist!

On our way to Pennsylvania to surprise Grandma Foltz!!


We had Thanksgiving dinner with about 120 Foltz's!!!

Random photos from October 2012

I love seeing the Amazon "smile" waiting at the door!

Camp Crop A Lot at the Novi Sheraton

A great group of friends!  They helped out Emily with a school project!