Saturday, March 12, 2016

February 2016

LOVE this trunk sticker, so cute!

All ready for the dance after school!

Happy Valentine's Day y'all!!

Planner class with Em at Scrappy Chic!

Em and I are using our planners as drawing and art journals

Dowtown Plymouth is so magical, I love driving through here every morning.

The view out the back window at work is so pretty!

Oooh, Perceptron wildlife!

I've had some issues with my right eye since last Octoberish and have had several specialist appointments and whatnot. They all can see what's happening in my eyes but there isn't anything they can see that explains the why of it all. The last specialist I saw asked me to have an MRI so that he could see the optic nerve in my to have an MRI!
Off to have my MRI

Fancy paper pants...they are actually quite comfy!

All seems well with my eyeballs and my brain...:Brain volume is normal for age."!!
I actually have an appointment in May to go over the results, I'm guessing
everything is fine since it's not until May!!

The beginning of Mount Foltz in the back yard!

January 2016

Scrapbooking weekend!

(L-R) Nancy, Susan, Cherie, Kristin, me

So more Wednesday night dinners at Max and Erma's

Cracks me up!

When ravenous at work and you're less than graceful about opening your Cheez-Its!

December 2015

The Purchasing Station all ready for Christmas

Done working for the day, headed to downtown Plymouth for some fun now!

I think this face lasted all day!

Hangin' out with Em :)

Lights but no snow yet!

A serious Monopoly game here!
The last week of the year at work is one of my favorite times of the year, it is so
quiet and I use the time to archive the old files, set up the new files and clean old stuff out!

Old stuff archived, such a good arms are a little tired now!

Tired arms means I'm letting the old stuff simply roll down the stairs!!

2016 files ready to go!

November 2015

Hannah's birthday party

Hard at work!

Parent Teacher Conference

Craftin with Grammy at Scrappy Chic

Em won one of the raffle was wine but Em really wanted the glasses!
We gave the wine to Martha!!

Hangin' out with Hannah!